The story of Nico, a deaf Dogo Argentino, is so important. He represents so many other dogs from around the world who have been unfortunately abused, misrepresented and labeled as dangerous after living in animal shelters with no hope. You will hear of Nico’s devastating journey in the below video here at SpicyVirals that almost brought him to the point of being euthanized. Because of the posting of his picture on Facebook, the attention he needed began. The person who was to rescue him for a “death with dignity” was to bring him to the vet in order to be euthanized. However, she met a dog who was totally unlike his description. The Nico she met did not appear to be at all dangerous. She saw and felt his soul and his life changed forever.
Nico’s journey from then on, was no immediate happy ending. He needed veterinary care to remove many cancerous lesions, and he required a foster family to begin his process of socialization, before he could have the possibility of being adopted by a family and have a forever home to be cared and loved. As you watch this heartwarming video you will hear the tale of his adjustment, his excitement at playing in his first snow and the unfortunate recurrence of his cancer. His outcome is nothing short of amazing and brave. We get to hear so many sad stories of abused dogs which the ending brings us to tears and questioning man-kind abuse and neglect. Yet we are pleased to share this story for a change.
We hope you take the time to watch this below video, and share this post with your friends and family. G-D Bless.
View the below video and his story which needs to be shared:
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Checkout the mistake you might do in love, by selecting A,B or C you could find your mistake which will may you think twice the next time.
A.The first half of thumb is longer than the second one
You are a faithful passionate person. Once you fail in love, you’re head over heels for him/her and ten to be obsessive. Other things such as work or study may get neglected. If your lover is late in replying messages or not much getting in touch with you, you will go crazy and try to call his/her phone many times. Be careful you might scare him/her away.
B.The first half and the second half of thumb are the same length
You like to plan everything and carry them out in specific approach, which makes you can achieve your goals. You are calm and composed, no matter what happens. In terms of love is the same. You can judge his/her feeling objectively. You won’t let emotions to get you carried away. But, because of your calmness, it’s unlikely to move fast in a relationship, at most you just end up in ambiguous relationship.
C.The second half of thumb is longer than the first one
You are trustable and reliable for people around you. You also have good observation skill. You take a lot of time to think things and move slowly. In terms of love is the same. Even if you feel you have a crush on someone, you would restrain your feeling. It’s easy for you to miss the chance since your’e too conscious of the other people’s face.
Janice Haley isn’t your normal Florida retiree. She is 57 years-old and instead of spending her days going on leisurely walks, enjoying the weather rand just relaxing, she takes care of two killing machines. Janice owns two Bengal tigers, just because she loves the creatures so much.
Saber, a 600lb male white Bengal tiger and Janda, a 400lb orange Bengal female live in her yard. Every day, Janice hand-feeds them meat and bonds with them. This sounds like the beginning to a tragic exotic pet story, but the three seem to get along so well. Saber is so close to his adoptive mother, he can’t fall asleep without suckling on Janice’s finger.
It all started when Janice decided to take a tiger training class.
(Even if they have an adorable sensitive side.)
Janice and her husband David spend all of their free time caring for their wild pets.
Their home in Orlando doesn’t look as wild as it is…
(H/T Daily Mail)
Tigers are wild, powerful creatures and hopefully the Haley are always cautious around their wild friends. They have natural instincts that can overcome domesticated affection. If you love tigers, don’t adopt one yourself. Instead, visit the World Wildlife Fund’s website and find out how you can help the species in other ways. Janice has been very lucky so far, hopefully she stays that way.
Saber, a 600lb male white Bengal tiger and Janda, a 400lb orange Bengal female live in her yard. Every day, Janice hand-feeds them meat and bonds with them. This sounds like the beginning to a tragic exotic pet story, but the three seem to get along so well. Saber is so close to his adoptive mother, he can’t fall asleep without suckling on Janice’s finger.
It all started when Janice decided to take a tiger training class.
Two years after getting trained herself, she bought home Chuffer, a tiger cub.

Then she adopted Janda.
After Chuffer’s death in 2007, she bought Saber.
The tigers are well socialized.
They love being cuddled and stroked.
But you can never forget what powerful creatures they truly are.
(Even if they have an adorable sensitive side.)
Their home in Orlando doesn’t look as wild as it is…
(H/T Daily Mail)
Tigers are wild, powerful creatures and hopefully the Haley are always cautious around their wild friends. They have natural instincts that can overcome domesticated affection. If you love tigers, don’t adopt one yourself. Instead, visit the World Wildlife Fund’s website and find out how you can help the species in other ways. Janice has been very lucky so far, hopefully she stays that way.
It is a sad reality that violence against women is prevalent in so many homes around the world with physical violence as the most common form. While most of these incidents happen in private, some heartless men inflict domestic abuse in public like the guy in this story. Fortunately, two random men intervened to save the helpless woman from her barbaric husband.
A random strangers captured on camera the husband beating his wife with a baton.
To stop the husband from inflicting more pain on the woman, the men decided to confront him.
They yelled and cursed at each other as the husband tried to convince the men not to meddle with the couple's fight. Then one of the men loudly asked the bystanders to call the cops.
A man went to check if the woman is ok, only to see her legs covered in bloody cuts.
The husband then goes back to the driver's seat in an attempt to escape, with his wife still at the back of the car.
But the brave men stopped the offender and began beating him and this scuffle bought time for the wife to get off the vehicle.
However, the abusive husband took a chance, drove off and just left his wife in the parking lot.
Watch the footage:
The homeless couple's argument began when the husband refused to buy food for his wife. She sustained leg injuries when she tried to smash out of the car and into the trailer.
Several bystanders witnessed the incident that happened in Oklahoma, United States on August 6. The perpetrator Douglas Beckham, 52, was arrested and is now in Oklahoma County Detention Center. He is facing two charges of assault with a deadly weapon, and one charge of domestic assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
Good thing these men stepped in. The fight could've been fatal if they hadn't intervened.
WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton’s lawyer has admitted all data was erased from the server the Democratic front-runner turned over to federal investigators, as polls show her losing support amid the growing email controversy — and GOP front-runner Donald Trump catching up to her.
In a letter last week to Senate Homeland Security Committee chairman Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) made public by the committee yesterday, attorney David Kendall said Clinton’s server, turned over to federal authorities as part of a security probe, “no longer contains data.”
The release of the letter came a day after Clinton dismissed questions from reporters at a Las Vegas press conference about whether the server had been wiped clean.
Clinton replied sarcastically: “What, like with a cloth or something?
“I don’t know how it works at all,” Clinton said, suggesting that only the media, and not voters, were interested.
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Remove the Moles on Your Skin with Only One Ingredient |
Moles are benign tumors of the connective tissue, looking like tiny (less than 1/2 inch) soft nodules on the skin.
They have the same color as the skin, but can also be lightly pigmented, which is an aesthetic problem.
The moles are not rare; in fact, almost every person has at least one.
A problem can appear when they develop in touchy places on the skin, so you easily get hurt. They can get infected, grow, bleed and so.
Their number varies on average from a few to several hundred. The number and the size of the moles increase over age. The cause of their occurrence is still unknown.